Myths and Masks Workshop
Artist: Mystic Paper Beasts
Type: Workshop
Art Form: Theater & Media Arts|Visual Arts
Grade Level: 1-5
Scheduling Request
Students use myths and masks to create and perform stories. They learn how specific masks suggest posture, movement, and personality and how to use these elements to bring ancient tales to life. Workshops are movement-based and tailored to students’ grade level.
Program available in person.
Length: 45 min
Participant Limit: 25
Curriculum Connection: Mask Theatre, Myth, Movement
Participant Limit: 25
Curriculum Connection: Mask Theatre, Myth, Movement
Minimum of 2 workshops per day.
2 Workshops: $550
Additional or Post Performance Workshops: $220
Travel: $80 per day
Pricing may vary for weekends/out-of-school time
Processing Fee of $45 added to all contracts
Technical Requirements:
- A teacher in the room to support artist and address student needs.
- Open space to move around and invent.