Mass Movement, inc - Arts Learning Dance Workshops and Residencies - Arts For Learning Massachusetts


Integrating Dance into Curriculum Workshops

Type: Workshop|Residency|Remote
Art Form: Dance|Exploring Cultures|History, Math, Science
Grade Level: K - 12
Scheduling Request

Mass Movement residencies consist of dynamic dance workshops that encourage creativity, deepen cultural awareness, and improve physical well-being. 

Choose from:

  • Creative movement to encourage self-expression and physicalize language and story
  • Ethnic and traditional dance forms (from African to European) to foster understanding of other cultures through their traditional movement styles and rhythmic patterns
  • Contemporary dance to explore scientific and mathematical concepts through rhythm and physical movement.

Schools can choose any combination of dance workshop options to meet their classroom needs.

Workshops are available in person or online

Length: 45-60 Minutes
Audience Limit: 30
Curriculum Connection: Dance, Science, Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, African American Culture, American History, World Folk Traditions

Social Studies:

African-American Culture: African Dance to Hip Hop

International Folk Dances from All Continents

Swing Dances from the World War II Era

English Language Arts:

Plot Development: Storytelling in Movement

Figurative Language: Abstraction, Similes, and Metaphors

Science and Mathematics:

Einstein Rules: Opposition, Gravity and Causality

Divide and Conquer: Math/Movement Games

Dances of the Solar System

Minimum of 2 workshops per day


2 Workshops: $550
Additional Workshops: $220
Residency Workshops: $175-275

Planning fee based upon scope of residency.

Travel: $50 per day
Pricing may vary for weekends/out-of-school time
Processing Fee of $45 added to all contracts


  • 1 reserved parking space
  • 1 Bottle of water
  • Enough space for the entire group to move
  • Sound system that connects to Bluetooth (if possible)
  • A teacher in the room to support artist and address student needs.

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