Cardboard Kingdom Workshop Visual Arts


Cardboard Kingdom Workshop

Type: Workshop
Art Form: Theater & Media Arts|Visual Arts|Early Childhood
Grade Level: PreK-12
Scheduling Request

In this engaging and multidisciplinary workshop, students will have a chance to learn about puppetry design, construction, and performance skills. During the first half of the workshop, each student will make their own puppet using recycled cardboard materials and basic art tools to create their own unique character through a Culturally Responsive and Social Emotional lens. In the second half of the workshop, students will explore core puppetry performance techniques like movement, focus and breath to bring their puppets to life. Using English Language Arts curricular topics such as character, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution, students will work together in a structured and guided performance where everyone's puppets play a role in the story.

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will develop visual art skills including spatial relations, shapes, and textures by experimenting through a constructivist approach with 2-and 3-dimensional materials.
  • Students will demonstrate understanding of basic story structure including character, plot, conflict, and resolution through listening and interacting, improvisation and role-playing. 
  • Students will enhance their ability to set and achieve goals through teamwork and cooperation, feel and show empathy toward others, and develop self-confidence and resilience in trying new things with a growth mindset.
Length: 45-60 Minutes
Participant Limit: 25
Curriculum Connection: Character Education, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Language Arts

Minimum of 2 workshops per day

2 Workshops: $550
Additional or Post Performance Workshops: $220
Materials Fee: $3-$5 per student
Travel: $100 per day
Pricing may vary for weekends/out-of-school time
Processing Fee of $45 added to all contracts


  • Parking for one vehicle
  • Desk or table space for each participant
  • A teacher in the room to support artist and address student needs

More From Paper Heart Puppets

Available year-round for programs in western Massachusetts, please contact AFLMA for programs east of Worcester.