Soul of Langston Theater & Media Arts


Soul of Langston

Artist: Norad Media
Type: Performance
Art Form: Theater & Media Arts
Grade Level: 3-12
Scheduling Request

What would be of Hip-Hop if Langston Hughes never took to poetry...or of Civil Rights if the Harlem Renaissance never flourished?

Soul of Langston reveals the bitter-sweet wit and wisdom of Langston's poetry; the tragedies and triumphs that constructed his life; and the worldwide impact of his literary accomplishments - going from busboy and poet to becoming "Harlem's Wonder" helping establish the Civil Rights movement through the Harlem Renaissance. In this program, students will learn the significance of Langston Hughes' poetry in mainstream America, how to connect the Harlem Renaissance to the Civil Rights Movement, and themes and key figures of the Harlem Renaissance. The production explores Langston's poetic statement: "I too sing America...I too am America" and also poses the question to all, "What happens to a dream deferred?" from Langston's famous poem.

Length: 45 minutes
Audience Limit: 300
Curriculum Connection: History/Social Studies, Language Arts, Music, Black/African American Studies Poetry, Social Justice, Character Education, Civics

Single Performance: $1,100
Additional Performances: $880
Travel: $150 per day
Pricing may vary for weekends/out-of-school time
Processing Fee of $45 added to all contracts


  • One reserved parking space
  • A bottle of water
  • Lapel/Lavalier Mic (please let AFLMA know if this is not available)
  • Bluetooth or CD player connected to sound system
  • Someone (an older student, teacher or staff member) to play the music for the show using script and sound cues

Set Design (please let AFLMA know if these are not available):

  • Desk with Chair
  • Stool
  • Rocking Chair
  • Podium
  • Bookcase with Books

Arrival time before first performance: 60-90 minutes
Strike time: 20 minutes
Time needed between performances: 15 minutes

Please introduce the performer as an Arts for Learning Massachusetts artist.