Master Class for Band and Jazz Ensembles Music


Master Class for Band and Jazz Ensembles

Type: Workshop
Art Form: Music
Grade Level: 5-12
Scheduling Request

Made in the Shade’s master jazz educators Dan Fox and Crick Diefendorf provide intensive master classes for your school’s band or jazz ensemble to explore section playing, dynamics and balance, riffing, call and response, improvisation, time and feel, and style. The members will demonstrate the differences in jazz styles, teach students how to swing, and introduce jazz improvisation.

Program available in person.

Length: 45 Minutes
Participant Limit: 30
Curriculum Connection: Music, Math, Jazz, Music Instruction

Minimum of 2 workshops per day

2 Workshops: $550
Additional or Post Performance Workshops: $220
Travel: $75 per day
Pricing may vary for weekends/out-of-school time
Processing Fee of $45 added to all contracts


  • 10’ X 15’ space.
  • Students must provide their own instruments.

Pre-Workshop Requirements:

  • Artists will contact teachers before the workshop.

Set-up time: 10 minutes.

Time needed between workshops: 5 minutes

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