MA Arts Curriculum Frameworks Revised News


MA Arts Curriculum Frameworks Revised

Jul 8, 2019

On June 25, with the public comment period concluded, a revision to the Massachusetts frameworks for arts education were officially submitted for approval by the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE). This represents the first revision since 1999.

Highlights include:

  • addition of the discipline of media arts to the existing disciplines of dance, music, theatre, and visual arts
  • increased emphasis on the importance of creating original work in the performing arts and on presenting in visual and media arts
  • increased emphasis on responding to the work of other students and work from masters, with a focus on understanding the context in which art works were created
  • alignment to a consistent structure organized around a common set of artistic practices across the five disciplines to encourage integrated instruction and collaboration
  • ambitious standards that highlight the importance of the arts as part of a well-rounded education that prepares students for college, careers, and civic participation.

A memo released by BESE includes:

  • links to a detailed summary of feedback received during public comment,
  • the revised draft of the 2019 Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework,
  • a PowerPoint File Review of the Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework,
  • an infographic articulating important changes,
  • a motion to adopt the 2019 Massachusetts Arts Curriculum Framework.

Read the Memo
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